Suite 3168, Building 308, 508 He Yan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu
Coenzyme Q*0 (CoQ*0) is an oil-soluble, vitamin-like substance
presented in all human cells. It is responsible for cell protection
and production of the body’s energy. It is a key component involved
in aerobic cellular respiration to generate energy in the form of
ATP. Therefore, those organs with the highest energy
requirements—such as the heart, liver and kidney—have the highest
CoQ*0 concentrations.
CoQ*0 may have an effect on skin and the appearance of wrinkles,
most notably by reducing UV damage, stimulating healthy collagen
production, and reducing substances in damaged skin that wreck
havoc on its support structure. Research also shows that topical
application of CoQ*0 has anti-oxidation and anti-inflammatory
We also offer hard-to-find reduced Coenzyme Q*0 (ubiquinol). This
substance is more active and effective than CoQ*0.