series organic heat carrier boiler is the packaged forced
circulation chain glare boiler Front section of boiler body is the
hearth radiation heating area consisting of closely aligned double
square coils The rear section is the convection flush heating area
of S shaped tube bank Boiler is structured into the body drum on
the combustion chamber, which shall be assembled on site Air
preheater is mounted at the rear of boiler Some heat of combustion
hot fume is absorbed by the hearth and residual fume flows in the
convection heating area for heat exchange via diversion fume
chamber Heat from the boiler is used to heat the air required for
the boiler combustion in the air preheater Finally fume exhausts
outside with chimney vie the dust collator and draught fan Simple
installation and shod installation period Just combine the upper
body with lower combustion chamber Hearth consists of double
closely aligned coils to ensure the sufficient heating area and
reduce heat load of pipe and handle the heat conduction oll safely.
Reasonable medium flow Heat conduction oil flows from the lower
inlet to the upper outlet Gas generated during the operation hardly
stays in the boiler and can exhaust easily Fume can stay in the
hearth long enough for better combustion due to the sound design of
furnace arch. Heating area in the diversion fume chamber will avoid
the partition being directly flushed from hot fume to effectively
prevent the fume shot1 circuit from the falling partition