We were established in Singapore since ***4 as strategic investor
in Water Treatment Technologies in Japan Qualilty Mineral Drinking
Water and Advanced Water Treatment Solutions over *5 years
R&D with Japan Universities.
We are seeking serious importers with some form of healthy
financial position for long term partnership collaborations for
Quality Mineral Drinking Water Product.
In addition, we are seeking serious clients globally for
Installation of Watershop System, Water Plant
System and Related Water Products and Solutions Provider.
We offer package including complete marketing materials,
training, technologies transfer, Set-Up and flexible terms as long
as it is fair and protect all parties.
Our Quality Mineral Drinking water with proven tracked records
is one of our products which offer quality good health benefits for
long term happy, wealthy and healthy such as oxygen in
blood cells, Blood pressure stability, Skin Beautification, Dietary
Effect, Alcholic Resolution, Recover of Fatigue, Prevention of
Aging and Senility, Rise in temperature, Anti-Oxidation,
Anti-cancer Effects, "repairing all organs" in your body.
Our Quality Mineral Drinking Water Product has been certified with
Lab Tested in Japan and Singapore.
We have many other advanced quality water treatment products
and solutions for Swimming pool, Spa pool, Hair Salon, Foods
Factories, Gold Course, Plantation, Apartments, Hotels,
Houses, Schools, Fish Farms, Animal Farms, Plantations,
Restaurants, Supermarkets, Police Stations, Anti-Rust Water Pipes
Solutions for Building Contractors and Property
Developers and for many other industry sectors.
We consider to help our partners to secure funding facility in
the medium to long term and possibly help our partners for Pre-IPO
Programs for Stock Listing in Singapore and other Countries subject
to case by case basis for next 3 to 5 years and possibly with
profitable returns Exit Road Programs where our partners seeking
for retirement.
In addition, we also offer strategic financial solutions to reduce
your operating costs and least competition in your country in the
medium to long term and to increase your profits.
All related documents are available upon request.
Preliminary discussions are welcome
1. I removed one forth of lungs, but
I have never tired even though I play golf ~ *1 age
/ male japanese
2. I used
to have many lines on the face, but now it was not so stand out.
Moreover,I feel
better than before - *4 age / female japanese
3. I sweat a lot than before, I get more
stamina and I recovered the
constipation - *5
age / female japanese
4. I lost weights about 4kg for 3 weeks.
(I was one of the patients for alcoholic). Now I feel very much
healthy – *8 age / female japanese
5. My average of C-hepatitis GOP/GPT was
about **0’s, but it decreased about *0 – *0 - I continue drinking
alcohol) – *8 age / male japanese
6. I have been having gout for 2
years. However, since I drank this M-Taito water,
thepain went out. It took just *0 days –
*8 age / male japanese.
7. Before I started to drink this
M-Taito water, my blood pressure was **0/*2, and
itdown to **0/*1 for two weeks. – *5
age / male japanese
8. I shrunk my blood pressure from
**5 to **0/*2. Moreover, I used to suffer
fromfrequent urination. Now, I recovered
completely, and I discharge urine as if I
was young –
*1 age / female japanese
9. I recovered gout, pollen allergy,
and stiff neck at the same time. I really surprised with this
reaction – *5 age / male japanese
*0. I suffered from the cancer of
liver and extirpated my liver twice, but when I started to drink
the M-Taito water since the cancer was returned 3rd time, it
disappeared – *0 age / male Japanese
*1. I suffered from a ringing in my ears,
which come from Meniere’s disease. In
mycase, it was suddenly stopped when I
drank the M-Taito water. Moreover, even though I was chronic C-hepatitis, my
face looks good – *7 age / female Japanese
*2. I had the angina pectoris. The
symptom of this disease was a pain of the
chest.Now I do not has any pain in my chest
– *0 age / female japanese
*3. I completely recovered chronic
gastrics, which cause the stomachache. It
tookabout 3 to 4 days – *8 age / male
*4. I cured menstrual pain, and I
gained concentration. Even if I used my computer
untilthe midnight, I do not feel any
tireness – *6 age / female japanese
*5. My body smells and when I sweat
but now the smells gone – *6 age / femaleJapanese