Copper Sulfaye for theblue crystals, are weakly
acidic aqueous, common names blue stoneor copper
sulfate. Preparation ofcopper sulfate is
an important raw material forother copper compounds.
Liquid mixed with lime milk to Bordeaux, used as a fungicide.Copper
electrorefining of copper sulfate electrolyte. Asfungicides on agriculture, breeding
isalso used as feed additives forcopper
raw materials. Biological reagent for thepreparation
of identification ofreduced sugar in Fiji forest and
thebiuret reagent identification
Dye and pigment used in themanufacture
ofcopper-baring form ofazo dyes such
as activity ofreactive brilliant blue, purple,
andso on Organic ndustry as a catalyst for synthesis
ofspices and dye intermediates, methyl methacrylate
polymerization inhibitor.