1. Blue Swimming Crab
Species : Portunus Pelagicus
Packing : 1 lbs (**4 gr)/can, *2 cans/carton
Pasteurized crabmeat is essentially fresh crabmeat from Portunus
Pelagicus species that has been heated to a moderate
to kill the bacteria that causes spoilage. Thus, the shelf life for
this crabmeat when stored in the refrigerator is 1 year.
The Jumbo Lump grade is processed from the large muscle connected
to the two rear swimming legs. This is the premium grade of a true
blue crab, white in color with a delicate but firm texture,
pleasing aroma and a sweet, flavorful taste.
Specification :
4 - 9.9 gr/pc, max *5
Whole, unbroken lump meat picked from the body, packed beautifully
in flower shape.
Specification :
All flower lump
The Lump is processed from the body cavity of the blue crab. It has
the same flavor profile as the Jumbo Lump but with smaller pieces
of meat. Great for crab cakes and stuffed crabs.
Specification :
**0% lump
Chunky and shredded white meat with full crab flavor and sweetness,
one of the most favorite meat in our assortments.
Specification :
**0% special
Claw Meat is processed from the claws of the blue crab, is brownish
in color, and is slightly more pronounced in flavor and texture. It
holds up well in crab salads, stuffings and soups.
Specification :
Claw and leg meat, with whole claw and legs packed on the top and
bottom of the can, and shredded leg meat in between.
2. Yellowfin Tuna
Species :
Thunnus albacares
Specification :
Frozen Cut / Fresh Cut
Skinless, Boneless, **0% NW
CO Treated
Size :
***0 oz/pc (2.**3 x ***2 x ****0 cm)
Packaging :
IQF,IVP,1x*0 lbs/MC
Species :
Thunnus albacares
Specification :
Frozen Cut / Fresh Cut
Skinless, Boneless, **0% NW
CO Treated
Size :
4 oz, 6 oz, 8 oz, *0 oz/pc
Packaging :
Species :
Thunnus albacares
Specification :
Frozen Cut / Fresh Cut
Skinless, Boneless, **0% NW
CO Treated
Size :
**5 lbs, **8 lbs, ***2 lbs
Packaging :
IQF, IVP, *0 lbs/MC, *0 lbs/MC
Species :
Thunnus albacares
Specification :
Frozen Cut / Fresh Cut
Skinless, Boneless, **0% NW
CO Treated
Size :
**5 lbs, **8 lbs, ***2 lbs
Packaging :
IQF, IVP, *0 lbs/MC, *0 lbs/MC
3. Raw Frozen White Shrimp
Species :
Litopenaeus Vannamei
Outer center shell cut made easy to pee
Head off, Shell on, Vein off, Tail on
Peeled Deveined Tail On
Head off, Shell off, Vein off, Tail on
Peeled and Deveined
Head off, Shell off, Vein off, Tail off (skinless tail)
Size :
*1/*5, *6/*0, *1/*5, *6/*0, *1/*0
Packaging :
5 bags x 2 lbs / Master Carton
*0 bags x 1 lb / Master Carton
*0 bags x 2 lbs / Master Carton
4. Cephalopod
Species : Octopus vulgaris
Type :
- Flower
- Ball
Specification :
Whole cleaned, Gutted
Ink off, Beak & Eyes off
Size :
**2 lbs/pc
**4 lbs/pc
**6 lbs/pc
6 lbs up/pc
Packing :
IQF, IWP, 1x*0 lbs/MC
Species : Sepia spp.
Whole Round and Fillet Rolls are available
Specification :
Whole cleaned
Size :
**2 pc/kg
**4 pc/kg
**7 pc/kg
***2 pc/kg
****0 pc/kg
****0 pc/kg
Packing :
IQF, IWP, 1kgx*0bags
Species : Loligo spp.
Whole Round and Fillet Rolls are available
Specification :
Whole cleaned
Size :
****0 pc/kg
****0 pc/kg
****0 pc/kg
****0 pc/kg
Packing :
IQF, IWP, 1kgx*0bags