Gireesh After coolers are heat exchangers that remove the heat from
compressed air. The most common compressor after coolers use much
cooler ambient air or cool water to remove the heat, which is also
effective in removing moisture from compressed air.
After coolers remove moisture / water vapour in compressed air
systems by cooling the air below its dew point, causing water
vapour to condense into liquid form. Moisture, either vapour or
condensed in compressed air systems can cause considerable damage
to distribution equipment and or the final product. Maintenance Final water coolers from the allow the
efficient and economical purification of compressed air by cooling
the air at the outlet of the compressor at an outlet temperature of
only *0°C higher than that of the inlet water. This cooling cause’s
condensation of up to *0% of the moisture present in the compressed
air that can be separated thanks to an AS/MS centrifugal condensate
separator installed at the outlet of the cooler.