We offer kaolin including but not limited to the following
KS*1(GOST *******2), KS*1 for high pressure machines(GOST
*******2), KN**7 (GOST *******3), KN**0 (GOST *******3), KN**3
(GOST *******3), KP**5 (GOST *******3), KBE*1 (TU U
generally being used in such branches of industry as:
production of sanitary faience
for body (KS*1 - traditional casting,
KS*1 h.p. - pressure casting, KN**0)
for engobe and glaze (KN**3)
production of faience and porcelain
for body and glaze (KS*1, KN**3)
production of ceramic tiles
for body – kaolin of unenriched mark KSSK – TU U