Corrosive and abrasive gases and vapours in the chemical and
pharmaceutical industry.
Technical data
Size: DN *2 - DN **0
Delivery rate: Qmax. = **0 m3/h
Temperature: up to **0 °C
Vakuum operation: without gas ejector up to **0 mbara, with gas
ejector up to *5 mbara
Compressor operation: up to 2 barg
Design features
- Single stage, valveless liquid ring pump with closed liquid ring
circuit, so no effluent damage.
- cantilever mounted impeller
- Generously dimensioned shaft and bearings with oil lubricated
anti-friction bearings
- Impeller gaps adjustable
- Operation of the pump with a closed liquid ring circuit requires
a separator tank with integral cooling coil. The components of the
gas pump installation, comprising pump, separator and cooler, are
completely piped up
Shaft sealing with double mechanical seal or stuffing box
Materials specification
Titanium, zirconium, FRIKORUND, nickel-base alloy