Please contact us for more information. Our starters can be
custom-designed to fit your specific requirements.
1.Please make sure the starting unit and engine power transmission
are disengaged.
2.Make sure fuel supply system has no any restriction.
3.Pull the reset knob. The trip lever turns automatically to reset
4.Crank input adaptor until 1-2 red springs can be viewed from
viewing window.
5.Push trip lever toward trip direction to start engine.
a. Cranking fuction
(1)Pull the reset knob.
(2)The trip lever spring back to its RESET position.
(3)Wind the handle 2 turns in a clockwise direction for fully
engagement of starter pinion with flywheel ring-gear.
(4)Push the trip lever toward TRIP direction
(5)Fit right cranking handle.
(6)Wind the handle in a clockwise.
b. Reset and Trip Operation
(1)Pull the reset knob.
(2)The trip lever spring back to its RESET position.
(3)Wind the handle in a clockwise to store the energy.
(4)Until 1 or 2 red springs are visible through the view
(5)Remove the handle
(6)Push the trip lever toward TRIP direction through 90
DL Spring Starter input adaptor
direction can be adjusted widely to get the angle that lets
cranking comfortable.
DL Pinion parameters(modulus,
pressure angle, etc) can be changed for fit different engine
If any of interested, please
contact me for the details.
Ms. Nina Chan