Empowering women and the community by manufacturing Artificial
fishing fliesNyota Njema Women
Group is a Charitable organization which aims to provide a source
of living to its members, it is run by the members of the same
society. It is an Inititiave made by the community to enable the
members provide for their basic needs. Their manufacture of
Artificial fishing flies was an initiative of the members because
it was easy to manufacture them and the cost was reasonable.
Fishing flies is a method of catching fish using a fishing line,
fishing rod and the hook attached with the fishing fly. It is
effective despite the fact that it only catches one fish at a time
it is reliable since the chances of catching the fish is *0% and
over.Pros of Nyota Njema
Artificial Fishing Flies:Reasonable pricesOur products are manufactured with recommended
standards.Delivery terms as
the producer manufacturer agreement.Reliability of stockInternational suppliersApproved standardsRegistered by the Republic of Kenya.Recognized by the Kenya Beareu
Standards.It will be our pleasure doing business with you
and we look forward to making the very best of clean deals for your
benefit as well as ours. Looking forward to working with you in the near