S.F No. 499/3, Kondayampalayam Road, Keeranatham,, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
We offer tea processing plant with extensive range of products
ranging from the intake of the raw material to the packing of the
individual fractions.Our job straddles the entire gamut from
concept to completion and handing over the keys to the client
for the running plant. We work by involving the client in the
workflow, giving special attention to the typical requirements of
the client. Every project is taken on an one to one customized
basis as we understand each client has his unique specifications
that he wants implemented.
Our turnkey projects from concept to completion uses the latest
technological advancement in Design, Manufacturing, Installation,
Testing and Commissioning for the Tea processing plants.
The tea processing machines offered by us are for cleaning of tea
leaves, and blending different types of tea
Our material handling equipment are ideally suited to transport the
tea to various parts of the plant.