You spend a lot of money on manuring and it
does not bring the desired result? Are youlooking for an efficient high-quality
fertilizer? It has found
you! Description:
A high-performance environmentally friendly
organic fertilizer produced by European
designedfor environmentally friendly farming with heavy
yields that exceed productivity rates from using well-known
traditional technologies of cultivation. Applying our fertilizer in
agriculture you get a plenteous crop and salubrious pollution-free
according to the level of the basic quality
indicators performance, the fertilizer "RichField"
takes the leadamong the existing organic products of this
Yield Increaseby ****0%! Ripening
by*0 days! Quality and Efficiency of the fertilizer
verified in practice!
Why you need to contact us right
now: 1. Convenient logistics: auto transport for
Europe; ships from the port in Odessa (Ukraine) for Asia, Africa,
America, Australia. 2. Best price for an organic
fertilizer! 3. Preserving the purity and improving the
ecological state of the environment by using our
fertilizer. Only now you may conclude a futures contract
with us on very favorable terms!
Our production technology enables to neutralize hazardous waste and
·obtaining homogeneous
composition; ·getting organometallic bioactive compounds of
transition metals (Fe, Cu, Mn, etc.); ·obtaining alkaline-earth elements (Ca, Mg) with
fragments of natural organic compounds -
biomoses; ·fertilizer dehydration; ·fixation of nitrogen and carbon (that is, these
elements are kept in the inactive form until they become necessary
nutrient element for the plant).
Please, contact me to get more details about the
benefits and effectiveness indicators of
the «RichField» fertilizer.