1. Raw Materials
The main raw materials used in the cement manufacturing process are
limestone, sand, shale, clay, and iron ore. The main material,
limestone, is usually mined on site while the other minor materials
may be mined either on site or in nearby quarries. Another source
of raw materials is industrial by-products. The use of by-product
materials to replace natural raw materials is a key element in
achieving sustainable development.
2. Raw Material Preparation
Mining of limestone requires the use of drilling and blasting
techniques. The blasting techniques use the latest technology to
insure vibration, dust, and noise emissions are kept at a minimum.
Blasting produces materials in a wide range of sizes from
approximately 1.5 meters in diameter to small particles less than a
few millimeters in diameter.
Material is loaded at the blasting face into trucks for
transportation to the crushing plant. Through a series of crushers
and screens, the limestone is reduced to a size less than **0 mm
and stored until required.
Depending on size, the minor materials (sand, shale, clay, and iron
ore) may or may not be crushed before being stored in separate
areas until required.
3. Crushing and Pre-homogenization.
Crushing. During producing Concrete, most of the raw materials must
be first crushed before being used to make concrete. Among these
raw materials which include lime stone, clay, iron ore and coal,
etc. The lime stone is of the greatest usage to make concrete. With
comparatively larger particles and higher hardness, crushing the
lime stone to required fineness after mining is of relatively
important consequence among crushing all those raw
There are many crushers used in crushing these raw materials, such
as jaw crusher, impact crusher, cone crusher and vertical shaft
impact crusher, etc. According to the raw materials\' different
particles and hardness, there are several suitable crushers which
can be used in the crushing.
Pre-homogenization of raw materials.
4. Raw material Homogenization.
In the process of new dry concrete production, the stability of pit
entry clinker raw material component is the premise of the whole
system. Raw material homogenization system plays very important
role in the stability of pit entry clinker raw material
5. Pre-heater and calciner
6. The burning of concrete clinker.
7. Grinding
Grinding is the last process of cement produce and also is the most
current consuming working procedure. Cement clinker get grinded
into the right size. The smaller the particle size is, the better
the final cement is. It\'s important to choose suitable grinding