Beamsplitter Cube is a more sophisticated type consisting of two
right- angle prisms cemented together at their hypotenuse faces.The
cemented face of one prism is coated.Beamsplitter is often used in
Plumb Level, Surveying, Alignment, Rangefinding and Optical
Tooling.Before cementing,with a metallic or dielectric layer having
the desired reflecting properties,both in the percentage of
reflection and the desired color.The absorption loss to the coating
is minimal and transmission and reflection approach *0%.
Specification of our beamsplitters as
*Material BK7 glass or UV grade fused silica
*Dimension Tolerances: +/*0.1mm
*Angle Tolerance +/*3or *0
*Clear Aperture:*0% Dimension
*Surface Quality:*0/*0 or *0/*0
*Surface Flatness:lambda/8 or lambda/4 at **3nm
*Chamfer 0.3+/*0.1mm
*Coating Optional