Kangmei Slimming Capsules Natural Dietary Supplement
Herbal Slimming Dietary Supplyment, Burn Fat, Lose ****0 pounds in
*0 days
Ingredient: Green Tea, Chinese Hawthorn, Lotus Leaves, Poris Cocos,
Cacciatore seed and Chrysanthemum flower.
Specification: **0mg**4capsules per box
Storage: Store in airproof, shady and dry coditions
Kangmei Slimming Capsules gives you a complete detox, breaks down
all fat oil and dirt in your system and enhances your metabolism.
It is made from plants such as Green Tea, Chinese Hawthorn, Lotus
Leaves, Poris Cocos, Cacciatore seed and Chrysanthemum flower.
It can reduce body weight and body fat total, resulting in
short-term rapid weight loss goals, as well as a reduction of the
waist, abdominal, and hip
Circumference. It does not induce anorexia, diarrhea, or rebound,
and is safe and healthy.