Glomae Global Marine Engineering (GLOMAE) is a registered
engineering company based in Douala, Littoral Region Cameroon.
GLOMAE supports the oil and gas, petroleum, and offshore
industries, both world-wide, and in the Mediterranean, the West
Coast of Africa, and the Gulf of Guinea Regions. Our core services
include manpower supply to support projects in the oil, gas, energy
and rig maintenance sectors with welding, pipe fitting, sheet metal
construction and fabrication, sand blasting, NACE-compliant surface
protection, scaffold management, electrical construction and
maintenance, import/export customs clearance, transport and
logistics services, diving and under-water services, and skilled
craft and general labor.At GLOMAE leadership is crucial to our
mission of effectively completing jobs in a safe, competent, and
inexpensive fashion. GLOMAE's team of leaders conveys solid
experience and a firm commitment to clients.