Productprofile Roadphalt colored cold mix asphalt concrete surface layer of the system is aefficient construction plan. Which makes the roadphalt colored cold modified asphalt mixture fast molding by using paving equipment. The system usesunique OGFC*5 open-graded skeleton void structure, thevoidage of pavement can reach more than *2%. The thickness of the molding is 0.**1.5cm . It is used to build road colored asphalt surface or pave Colored asphalt layer on the original pavement.As a new green pavement material, the advantagesof system are economic, environmental, beautiful and convenient . Scope Landscape garden Square Non-motorized vehicle、 Sidewalk Bridge floor 、 Elevated pavement Other pavements
Product Features
Reducing the cost of asphalt material greatly
Generally, the thickness of conventional colored hot mix asphalt concrete surface layer not less than 3cm .However , the construction thickness of roadphalt colored cold mix asphalt concrete surface layer of the system just need 0.**1.5cm. Material consumption is reduced by *0%
2. Reduce production and construction cost Before mixing , need to ensure aggregate dry and clean .
3. colourful Cold mix technology without going through the high-temperature test, the pigment the molecular composition of has not changed, so it can maintain colorful and durable.
4.Environment-friendly Production at room temperature, so there is no asphalt smoke and dust emission. The whole construction process, without any pollution.
5.Convenient construction at room temperature
In the above *0 ℃ can be construction. Not existing the loss of cooling the mixture to cool or cold threshing and other issues during construction .
Excellent performance & stable quality
Excellent cohesive property
The system can ensure the cohesive materials haveexcellent cohesive propertiesbecause of using special open-graded void skeleton structure. In addition, it cant appear bleedingphenomenonunder the vehicle load and high temperature condition
Good water permeability
The system uses unique open-graded void skeleton structure ,so that can have higher permeability coefficient. Due to the existence of gaps ,the rainwater can be ruled out quickly .
Good slip resistance
The bigger voidage ,the better pavement friction .Due to the system has better slip resistance ,so that can ensure the safety of the driving .
4. Low noise and can improve the comfort of driving Roadphalt colored cold mix asphalt concrete surface layer of the system use unique OGFC*5 open-graded skeleton void structure, it can reduce the atmospheric pressure.The conventional dense graded pavements noise can be reduced **4DB and the cement pavements noise can be reduced **6 DB.
Construction guide Construction process :
Original pavement → pre-treatment → feeding → paving → roller compaction →Molding→ open the traffic
Steps: ·Pavement pre-treatment
The original pavement should be dried and cleaned. Besides, the flatness and camber of the road should meet the requirement of construction.
·Feeding Its better to transport by using dump trucks, especially construction in large-scale. The site should have appropriate lifting equipment. ·Paving We recommend using paver and paving thickness is 0.**1.5cm. If construction in a small area ,you can use artificial paving. In order to avoid segregation,you should control the thickness and flatness of the pavement. ·Roller compaction We should finish roller compaction within 0.**1 hours after paving .using double drum roller to static pressure **4 times ·Open the traffic The road can be opened after paving is completed *4 hours later . If you need to open the traffic faster , just make sure the asphalt(the surface of the road ) is dry completely .