For over *5 years thousands of
engines, transmissions, and hydraulic systems have been equipped
with additional ultra-fine filters. They have substantially
contributed to reducing running costs, increase the operational
availability, prolong the lifespan, and protect the
The contamination of oil increases constantly with normal standard
filtration, and the oil must be changed after a certain time. The
performance of the hw ultra-fine filter however is with a
filtration performance of up to 0,5 µm is about *0 times
better than that of standard filters. Abrasion causing solid
particles and water are continuously absorbed, and the oil is kept
clean and free of water. This allows oil chage intervals to be
extended considerably. The wear on engines, transmissions and
hydraulic systems is minimized which reduces significantly the
costs for oil, maintenance and repairs. The hw ultra-fine filters
are especially suitable for operations under difficult
Especially favorable ist the hw ultra-fine filter for filtration of
fuel. Modern engines with high injection pressures require a clean
and water-free fuel, which is often not available. Additional hw
ultra-fine filters ensure hat only clean and water-free fuel is
injected. This prevents damages to the injectors and injection
pumps, and prolongs their lifespan signifcantly.
The patented hw ultra-fine filters consist of filter housings made
of stainless steel or aluminium, and of special filter inserts.
There are two types of filters available, depending on oil volume
or quantiy of fuel flow.
Connection fittings and special hoses can also be supplied.