Solar Heating Stove Parallel System:Provides hot water and
supplies heat.It saves about *0% energy consumption per year.
The solar and gas heating stoves complements each others
advantafes,overcoming the dilemma that in-sufficient sunlight makes
the solar hot water heater fail to work normally.
Solar water heater is a device to use the optical-to-thermal
conversion technology to produce hot water,which is made up by
heat-collecting components,temperature preservation water
tank,connection pipes and control components.Different from the gas
water heater,solar water heater uses the radiation heat from the
sun,therefore,its heating time is when the solar lighting intensity
reaches a ceitain value,it converts the sunlight into electricity
and increases the water temperature to meet the hot water
requirements of the people.According to the structural forms,it can
be divided into evacuated solar water heater and flat-plane solar
water heater.Its thermal efficiency fluctuates with the weather and
the season,while the gas water heater is more atable.And that is
why we mix the solar water heater and the gea water heater.
Solar-Gas Parallel System
System Profile:
The system is madr up of four pares:the solar heater.the water
preservation tank,the gas heater(heating stove)and the control
It uses the solar energy to heat the domestic water.when the
solar enerfy is insyfficient,gas heater can be used to make
auxiliary heating to guaiantee that there is sufficient hot water
all the day.
It is aytomatically operational and no penple are needed to
contrli it.It can keep the water temperature.It has the automatic
frozen function to prevent the solar heater and pipes from being
Solar energy is the main heat source of the system.It forms a
hot water circulation pipe after connecting with the heating pipe
in the heat preservation water tank particularly used by NuanJia to
heat the water in the tank.In time of rainy weather when the solar
energy is insyfficient to provide to provide the necessary hot
water temperature.the auxiliary gas equipment will start
automatically to warm up the water in the tank to meet the
rpquirementd.The hot water is obtained from the in the tank the
domestic water is from the bottom of the tank.The unique system
design will firstly use the free solae energy to reach a certain
temperature,which is *0℃**0℃ in winter.Higher water
temperature(*0℃**0℃)required for the terminal heating equipment
such as the radiator or the fan coils can be met by the gas
auxiliary equipment to have a secondary heating.