All-in-One Compact Dryers The TCD series All-in-Onecompact dryers combine drying, dehumidifying, and two-stage conveying function in a single unit, They are suitable for drying arthroscopic engineering plastics, such as PA, PC, PBT, PET, etc. A honeycomb rotor is used in the dehumidifying section.
1. TCD series compact dryers are equipped with honeycomb rotor for dehum, They have two kinds of design: Fully-integral and semi-integral depending on the size;
2. Suitable for drying hygroscopic engineering plastics such as PA, PC, PBT, PET, rtc;
3. Integrated of dehumidifying, drying, and two-stage conve functions in a single unit, Three-stage conve is also available as an option;
4. Insulated drying hopper features dry air down-blowing and cyclone exhaust design, This improves drying efficiency and reduces energy consumption which maintaining a steady drying effect;
5. Closed-loop conveying system eliminates the possibility of moisture re-absorption during air temperature and low dew-point;
6. The dehumidifying section of TCD series features two condensers to ensure a low return air temperature and low dew-point;
7. Equipped with pneumatic shut-off valve to ensure no material remains in the material line after each loading cycle;
8. Material processing is controlled via microprocessor as standard with touch screen PLC control as an option for centralised and automatic operation;
9. Dew-point monitor can be fitted to monitor and display dry air dew-point;