Trehalose is a very interesting sugar, it is a disaccharide
made up of two molecules of glucose. It occurs in some seeds and
fungi though it is not common in plants. Mushrooms contain up to
1025 % by dry weight.
It is the main fuel used by insects in flight. Because their wings
beat so fast and in order to enable them to produce sudden bursts
of power nature has chosen this sugar for their blood. It is
estimated that insects can use it twice as efficiently as
It protects organisms from extremes of weather, such as freezing
and drying out. The Resurrection Plant can withstand months without
water because it contains abundant amounts of this sugar which
protects the cells against damage in the difficult conditions.
No great benefit as a sweetener, it is less than half as sweet as
sugar and has a similar glycemic index. However it has a multitude
of other uses and applications. It is an antioxidant, it acts as a
natural preservative, it keeps food moist and helps preserve
texture and flavour. In nature it has amazing qualities which seem
to prevent damage to cells from drying out or freezing.
These properties can have advantages in the production of
cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs. It has an important
application as a constituent in solutions for the protection of
organs during transplant operations. It is useful as a component of
frozen foods and ration packs etc. It is temperature stable and can
be used in cooking.
It has been shown to inhibit the degradation of carbohydrates,
proteins, and fatty acids in foods. Thus it can act as a safe
preservative. In addition it has been found to inhibit the
development of bacteria that cause body odor, so it may find use as
a cosmetic.
Eye drops containing this sugar have proved useful in the treatment
of dry eye syndrome.