Cashco MODEL D
Used in all types of fluids, in clud ing cryo gen ic liquids
and gases, sour gas, in dus trial gases, chemicals, as well
as the common industrial fluids - water, oil, steam and
com pressed air.
Five body materials and thirty-one trim
ma te ri al com bi na tions to se lect from.
Composition seats of V-TFE, NBR,
EPR, or FKM.
Handles mid-range flow rates on a
line size basis.
Handles mid-range pressure drops
while main tain ing good stability.
Op tion al Sta bi liz er provides up to
**0 psid (*4.2 Bard) capability for
gaseous ser vice.
Incorporates the typical reducing
reg u la tor internal design.
Plug is guided through its travel by the
cylinder, which also serves to block
harm ful debris from entry to the seat-
ing sur faces.
In the event of downstream over-
pres suri za tion, dia phragm over-trav el
is restricted by me chan i cal stops.