salted cow hides *0%
machine flayed, *0% hand flayed no
grubs, no holes, no cuts, no heads short
shanks weight:
min. *0 kgs average
weight: *4 to *6 kgs selection:
*0% a, *0% b 1 x
container = ***0 hides approx. wet
salted kip skins *0%
machine flayed, *0% hand flayed weight:
*6 to *0 kgs average
weight: approx. *8 kgs selection:
*0% a, *0% b 1 x
container = ***0 skins approx. wet
salted cow hides **0%
machine flayed *0%
male, *0% female 0 to
1 hole, 5% small humps a few
ticks but low possibility due to good tics prevention
programs weight:
min. *2 to *5 kgs average
weight: *6 kgs approx average
size: *2 sq.ft. selection:
*0% a, *0% b 1 x
*0ft container = approx. ***0 hides wet
salted ox/heifer hides machine
flayed weight:
*7 to *6 kgs average
weight: approx. *3 kgs selection:
*0% a, *0% b one
container = approx. ***0 hides