Special plaster / putty for skimming and smoothing of green
plasterboards. It is water resistant and can be used in wet raeas
shuch bathrooms or swimming pools with green plasterboards /
drywall boards.
It is ready to use and reaty mixed material. It is specially
developed for using with gypsumboards / plasterboards / drywall
We can supply this material in *0ft containers, bulk loaded, which
gives us maximum loading ability, saving money on freight. Bulk
loading gives us to load of this material ***2 units more than
normal crate loading of **6 units.
So total loading is ***8 units on *0ft FCL.
This loading method is absolutely safe. We delivered same loaded
materials from Turkey to province of Nigeria, from our city to port
around **0 km, then by vessel *0 days, then from Lagos to Port
Harcourt by very bad road around **0 km.
The sample is available on request.
Delivery is around 1 weeks after the payment.