Lamella from hardwood (sawn wood veneer)
(Veneer or lamella wood material thickness from 2.5 mm to *0 mm, which are thin sheets of wood. Quality sawn veneer is much higher than sliced veneer. Sawn veneer exclude the possibility of internal cracks that can lead to cracking of the front of the parquet. In terms of quality, wood lamellae are devided into five grades: A, B, C, D , R.)
We offer wood lamella from oak, beech and ash (hardwood blanks for the three-layer parquet with the following characteristics: a thickness from 2.8 mm, width from *0 mm to **0 mm, length from **0 mm to ***0 mm). Also, according to your request, we can produce wood lamellae with other types of hardwood trees.
The production capacity of the lamella from hardwood *5 **0 m² a month. Our products are certified and manufactured by equipment of the following companies: LEDINEK (Slovenia), NEVA (Czech Republic), AVETEC (Austria), PRIMULTINI (Italy).