ALTIMA CONSOLIDATED works actively with governments, international
agencies, multi-national companies, NGOs and private institutions
to achieve the development and effective utilization of Africas
human and natural resources.
We have established some basic tenets of operation, places the
interests of the host country or community in position of
PROPER TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (PT) is a foremost mining, minerals and
metals trading and natural resources development group incorporated
in Nigeria and USA. PT works actively with governments,
international agencies, multi-national companies, NGOs and private
institutions to achieve the development and effective utilization
of Africa\\\'s natural resources, particularly minerals and metals.
Africa is abundantly blessed with various and large quantities of
natural resources, which remain untapped or illegally exploited.
PT\\\'s mission is to strategically utilize human, technical and
financial resources at its disposal to effectively create
meaningful technological growth and wealth for the company, the
host communities and the respective nations. It is our firm belief
that Africa could become more self- reliant, confident and secured
in its relationship with the rest of the world by harnessing and
developing its vast natural resources. As such our principles and
operating philosophy focuses on achieving the following objectives.