: Internal and external circulation
(Bi-directional flow), intelligent purification, time-lapse
: Intelligent frequency+Free speed
adjustment+SHIBARURA DC non-brush engine
Infrared Remote Control+APP Control*3.5inch TFT LCD+PM2.5 Laser
sensor+Japan NiceRa CO2 sensor
优势一:Advantage 1
超级净化 初级过滤:铝钢材质,采用进口聚酯纤维过滤材料,能够过滤大的颗粒物,阻挡蚊虫、毛发等异物。过滤大于5.0um的大粒径粉尘颗粒,净化效率*5%以上。 Primary filter:
Al-Steel material, adopt abroad polyester filter material, can keep
from the bigger particulate matter, mosquito, worm, hair and so on.
Filter matters of diameter bigger than 5.0um.
中效过滤:H*1中级过滤网,有效阻止空气中的大颗粒粉尘进入机体,吸附粉尘、细菌、病毒,用于捕集***5微米的颗粒灰尘及各种悬浮物。 Middle class filter:
H*1 Middle class filter, can prevent the middle diameter suspended
matters entering, which diameter is less than ***5um. Adsorb dust,
germ, virus and so on..
高效过滤:HEPA过滤网,H*3医疗级别的高效过滤器,能够过滤*9.*9%的PM2.5 High Efficiency filter:
HEPA Filter, H*3 medical class filter, can filter *9.*9%
光触媒过滤网、甲醛过滤网、静电集尘器、UV杀菌(可选配) Light touching media
filter net, CHCO filter, static electricity adsorbing filter, UV
sterilization filter are available and can be chosen.
优势二Advantage 2
高效节能 采用日本芝浦直流电机,智能变频,无极变速,高效节能,节能*0% Adopt Japan SHIBAURA DC
engine, intelligent frequency, variable speed transmission, high
efficiency and energy-saving, energy-saving rate is *0%.
显热交换:独特的封闭式铝制瓦楞型气流通道设计;外框采用镀铝锌材质,热反射率高,内部采用全铝合金波纹片材,换热面积大,导热性强,且使用寿命长。热能回收率*5%以上。 Sensible heat exchange: professional closed Al
corrugated air channel design; outsideframe is electroplated
Al and Zn material, high heat reflectivity. Inside structure adopts
Aluminium alloy waving plate material, large area for heat
exchange, strong conductivity for heat, long life. Thermal energy
recovery rate reaches more than *5%
Total heat exchange:
adopt high efficiency ABS and Nano-film polymerized and molded
complex film filter element, the heat exchange rate reach *5%.
优势三Advantage 3
智能静音 涡壳整体一体成型壳体,密封性,消音性能及保温效果能做到极致。独有的消音腔技术,专业的腔体风道设计,搭载变频直流无刷电机阻力小、风噪更小、降低运行噪音。 The turbine shell is
injection molding, the whole one, perfect sealing, perfect
silencing performance and good thermal-keeping ability.
Professional cavity design and intelligent frequency DC non-brush
engine make the very low noise.
优势四Advantage 4
自动恒氧Intelligent control the oxygen
content 一键智能模式,根据室内空气品质自动调控净化风速等级,全智能运行净化。内设睡眠模式及多种运行模式,变频风速调控。 One key intelligent
control mode, can automatically change the speed grade according to
the domestic air situation. There are sleep mode and other
3、实时监测室内温度、湿度、CO2,甲醛、PM2.5、烟雾等挥发性气体。控制器输出信号直接控制的启动及转速。 Real-time inspect
domestic temperature, humidity, CO2, formaldehyde, PM2.5, smoke,
volatile gas and so on. Output parameters directly control the
machine running.
优势六Advantage 6
维护方便 核心部件启用了进口知名品牌,质量稳定,故障率低。人性化设计,设计合理,维护方便。 Convenient
maintenance Main parts are famous
brand, reliable, low failure rate. User friendly design, convenient
优势七Advantage 7
低碳环保 Low carbon
environmental protection
高效过滤器周边铝边框是重复使用,省钱省心又省时 High efficiency filter
frame is Al and can be recycling, saving money, saving time, free
from worry.
优势八Advantage 8
远程控制Remote control 无线监控:机组可以通过WIFI将运行情况直接传递到手机上,随时随地能够机组监控运行情况。 Wireless control: assembling unit can transmit
the running situation to mobile phone by WIFI,and monitor
远程操作:机组通过WIFI可以掌控运行实况,还可以通过手机实现远程操作,机组界面上的功能在手机上全部可以实现。 Remote operation:
assembling unit, by WIFI, monitor the running situation and also
can remote operate the machine, all the operate function can
display on the mobile phone interface.