dream material carbon nanotube(CNT)-materializedengine protective
coatingproduct. •Usable for all
gasoline, diesel, and LPG engine vehicles, equipmentslike car, bus, truck, motorcycle,
agricultural machines, boiler, ship etc. •Two kinds by capacity: *0ml(Car&Small
truck), **0ml(Large truck&Bus)
Drive more years!Developed with dream material, CNT(carbon
nanotube) •Feature -ECOZEUS made of
the newest dream material of carbon nanotube, once blended with
normal engine oil, dispersescarbon into nano
formation, from which engine benefits like followings: engine crack
sealed; power increase by maximizing lubricating action in high
temperature; lengthen engines life by reducing engine wear.
-Developed & produced by technological
partnership with a Japanese company •Benefits 1)Prolonged engine life 2)Prevent engine wear (* showed *7 percent of
wear reduction rate in a KoreaPetros, a state authority, wear resistance
test) 3)Powerincrease 4)Reduce exhaust gas •Usage -1bottle of *0ml to be recommended to be
injected for 4 liters of engine oil when its
Please contact: Mr. Yungjoo Hwang (overseas sales
manager) e-mail: *@********************urther detailed information and