marti sok, ataturk san sit, no - 213 , catalca, istanbul, marmara
Continuous freezer having capacity from **0 to ***0 l/hour of ice
cream at **0% overrun. Entirely made in stainless steel with
removable side panels for easy maintenance and inspection.
ICY-CF****0 complete with:
Dividable semi-sealed compressor refrigerator of *2 Kw with Freon
R***7, with capacity control
Water tubular condenser.*5 Kw inverter-controlled dasher motor.
Rotation speed can be adjusted according to the set production
speed and/or according to the characteristics of the mix
Mix double piston pump of 1.5 Kw, controlled by an inverter
Ice cream extraction gear pump motor of 1.5 Kw, controlled by an
inverter. The rotation speed can be changed in order to keep the
desired pressure inside the freezer barrel.