size options: 4", 5", 6", 7", 8", *0",
*2", *4", *0", *8" An
Niu branded, OEM service is also provided. Material option: SBR, SBR plus, NBR,
MPU. drums option: cast iron, aluminum
colors: brown, white, amber
Using An
rubber rolls helps reduce your rice mill operating cost in
many ways. High quality of rubber gives longer running life of our
rolls compared to other brands. This means more number of bags or
more tonnes of paddy husking per each pair of rolls. Good bonding
with the metal drum ensures vibration free and smooth running of
rolls up to the end so that rubber roll can be used fully without
any wastage of rubber. Optimal hardness of rubber helps in reducing
the breakage of paddy grains which means higher rate for the rice
sold. Accurate dimensions minimize the wear and tear of bearings
and shaft thus reducing the over all maintenance cost of sheller
machine. Lowest failure rate of the rolls ensures
sheller stoppages so that the rice mill can run continuously thus
giving higher production. An
Niu rubber rolls provide
advanced and high-tech machines with ample range of sizes and
quality materials.