One oftheLargestHVACProducers
& Markets in
theWorld! Data released by
the State Information
Centershows that throughout ***9, the domestic
market sold over *0.*6 million sets of HVAC systems in retail, and
over *3.*3 millions sets were exported, a 9.8% increase versus
***8, totaling ****3.*9 million dollars.
Preview ofAVAI
China *0*0 AVAI
China *0*0 is
aiming for an exhibitor turnout of over**0. By the end of
***9, dozens of exhibitors haveconfirmed their booths,
including new friends likeAirestec
(Malaysia), Hengyou, Dongxing, and
many loyal exhibitors who
re-booked soon after the show,
likeXueyu,Cheerfore,Zhongqi, Han Yi, Jinrui,
Xuheng, YHX, Julang, and etc.
It will also be staged concurrently with
Cleanroom Guangzhou Exhibition *0*0, providing
more quality HVAC solutions!
Review ofAVAI
China *0*9 AVAI
China ***9 hosted **0+premiumexhibitors, such as
Watco Group (Singapore), Chunsen Air Conditioning, Jugao
Refrigerant, Changpeng Motor, Dafeng Ventilation, Huichuang Fan,
Hexingfa Hardware, Xinmeng Plastics, etc, and
plus repeat visits, including overseas buyers from *5 countries
& regions, like India, USA, Canada, Brazil, Russia, the
UK, Spain, France, Germany, Southeast Asia, Middle East, and
Exhibition Scope
Ventilation and Air Purification
Air-condition Equipment and
Supporting Equipment
Technology and Equipment of Cooling
and Refrigeration
Building Automation and System
Integration Technology
Contact Us Contact Sarah AVAI
China Organizing
Committee Guangdong Grandeur International
Exhibition Group