PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride Polymer) is a vinyl based polymeric
material made of an amorphous material. PVC materials are often
used with stabilizers, lubricants, auxiliary processing agents,
colorants, impact resistant agents, and other additives. It has non
flammability, high strength, high electrical insulation, weather
resistance, and excellent geometric stability. PVC has strong
resistance to oxidants, reducing agents, and strong acids. It is
insoluble in water, alcohol, and gasoline, and has low gas and
water vapor leakage; Under normal temperature, it can withstand any
concentration of hydrochloric acid, less than *0% sulfuric acid,
****0% nitric acid, and less than *0% caustic soda solution. The
biggest characteristic of PVC is its flame retardancy, so it is
widely used in fire protection applications. Due to its fire and
heat resistant properties, PVC is widely used for wire and fiber
sheath. However, PVC also has the following disadvantages: it can
be corroded by concentrated oxidizing acids such as concentrated
sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid, and is not suitable for
situations where it comes into contact with aromatic and
chlorinated hydrocarbons. Poor thermal stability, prolonged heating
can lead to decomposition, releasing HCL gas, and discoloring
XLPE uses high-density polyethylene as the main raw material.
Through the action of high-energy radiation or chemical initiators,
it transforms the linear macromolecular structure into a spatial
network structure. Crosslinking can significantly improve the
performance of polyethylene materials. Compared to polyethylene,
crosslinked polyethylene has excellent resistance to environmental
stress cracking, heat resistance, thermal strength, heat aging
resistance, creep deformation resistance, high tear resistance,
notch cracking resistance, electrical insulation, flame retardancy,
barrier property, vapor resistance, and aromatic properties, and
overcomes the sensitivity of ordinary polyethylene to fillers. In
addition, the following materials are often added to the insulation
and sheath of cables to make them have special uses.
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