Forgings are objects in which metal is pressed to shape a desired
shape or suitable compression force through plastic deformation.
This force is typically achieved through the use of a hammer or
pressure. The casting process builds a fine granular structure and
improves the physical properties of the metal. In the real use of
parts, a correct design can make the particle flow in the direction
of the main pressure.�
Advantages of forgings: extendable length, shrinkable cross
section; Retractable length, extendable cross section; Variable
length, variable cross section.�
Forgings can be divided into the following categories according to
different standard.�
1. Based on the appearance:�
Wheel forgings, gear forgings, gear ring forgings, pully forgings,
sprocket forgings, ring forgings, shaft forgings, cylindrical
forgings, square forgings, round block forgings and other
2. Based on the field:�
Engine forgings, engineering machinery forgings, mine forgings,
petrochemical forgings, automotive forgings, Marine forgings,
forgings, civil forgings and other products.�
3. Based on the material:�
Stainless steel forgings, alloy steel forgings, carbon steel
forgings, copper forgings and other materials of forging products.