Microdistrict 17, building 39, Aqtau city, Mangistau region
Coke is a grey, hard, and porous coal-based fuel with a high carbon
content and few impurities, made by heating coal or oil in the
absence of air—a destructive distillation process. It is an
important industrial product, used mainly in iron ore smelting, but
also as a fuel in stoves and forges when air pollution is a
concern. The unqualified term "coke" usually refers to the product
derived from low-ash and low-sulphur bituminous coal by a process
called coking. A similar product called petroleum coke, or pet
coke, is obtained from crude oil in oil refineries. Coke may also
be formed naturally by geologic processes. Many Historical sources
dating to the 4th century describe the production of coke in
ancient China. The Chinese first used coke for heating and cooking
no later than the 9th century.[citation needed] By the first
decades of the *1th century, Chinese ironworkers in the Yellow
River valley began to fuel their furnaces with coke, solving their
fuel problem in that tree-sparse region. China is the largest
producer and exporter of coke today. China produces *0% of
the world's coke. Concerns about air pollution have motivated
technological changes in the coke industry by elimination of
outdated coking technologies that are not