traditional kettle distillation,usually the process is batch
distillation,you can get only about *5% alcohol
liquor,but the low-boiling impurities like aldehydes
ect.and high-boiling impurities like fusel oil ect.can not be
separated. Even a few distillation trays are added on the kettle
distillation, only a small amount of alcohol degree can be
increased. Still the impurities inside can not be
removed. The
traditional distillation method is
wine (head)produced atthe
beginning,and send itto re-distill,
totake outthe
wineproduced at the end and send
Itwastes muchenergyand
time, andcannot
fundamentally separatethe low-boiling
impuritiesandhigh-boiling impurities. Even with multiple
distillations, onlysomeimprovements can be made, but this problem
cannot bewellsolved. Low-boiling
irritating bad odors, which are harmful to human body. High-boiling
impurities such as fusel oil can improve the taste to some extent,
but it is easy to cause headaches
andalsoharmful to human
body. With
equipment, you can get pure
alcohol,thenyou can get high-quality vodka, whiskey,
tequila, gin, brandy, liquor, etc.,
buttheequipment investment is too large, usually
hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions US dollars,
theamountof investment limits most
producers. According to
the requirements of many customerswe also
produce small-sized *5% pure alcohol
equipment,including turnkey project and
pure alcohol distillation
equipment.We have
various models: **0liters per day,***0 liters per day,***0 liters
per day,***0 liters per day. The material of the equipment is
stainless steel **4(we can also use stainless steel **6L or
titanium alloy). The raw material for producing the alcohol can be
cassava, yam,wheat,corn,rice, sorghum,or any other grain that
includes starch or sugar beet ,sugar cane , date,juice,
molasses,sweet potato or any kind of material that contains sugar.
productionprocessofsmall -scalepure alcohol
equipmentis the
same as large-scale alcohol plant:continuous feeding, continuous distillation,
continuous sewage discharge, continuous discharge of aldehyde,
continuous discharge offuseloil. Youcan obtain more than *5% high-purity
alcoholcontinuously. In order to facilitate
anduse ofequipment, to avoid the complicated installation and
commissioninglikelarge equipment and high
site, our company integrates the complete
distillation equipment into aframeto form
an integrated distillation
equipmentskid. The whole set
iscontrolled by PLC.
can visually see the operation of the various
components.The entire
equipmentcan be
controlled through the touch
You can also control the entire
the computer, or even control the operation of the entire
mobile phone. Both the feed
pump and the refluxpump
are equipped with double
and the other stands by. Once the
has a problem,the otherpump
can be started immediately tokeepthe
operation of the complete set of
equipment.You can make the
maintenance of the
stopping production. If you don\'t
understand the distillation equipment at all, there is no problem,
you can learnhowto run
the equipment inonehour. Even if you don\'t need to learn, just follow
our instructions and press the button to run the
equipment. If you are
alcohol or liquors, that would be great. We hope that the
product we have just developed has our agents all over the world.
You are welcome to joinus. The equipment
is suitable for small and medium-sized investment
hotels, bars and distillation laboratories. It is also suitable for
large-scale wine-loving individuals, because this device looks like
an ornament,butitsfunction is more powerful than the artistic
appearance. Pure alcohol
+ pure water (we also produce pure water equipment) + flavor
=high-quality vodka, whiskey, tequila, gin, brandy,
wine and so on. Wehope we
have opportunities for cooperation. If you have any special requirements for
thealcoholequipment, please let us know, let us fulfill
your needs.