Advantages of the dual-column spine system
Advantages and characteristics
Excellent unccwered lluorascapy charnek: Components can be
assembled randamy andplaced Beuibly to meat the wanaus needs of
doctors\'patlents for surgery.
Open frame design: lt can reduce the compeession cf the pstient\'s
vena cava when used inspinal surgery, minimize the bleeding of the
epidural wein, and improve the visuslization af thesurgkcal
Dhersified acoessory systeme Doctors can choose appropriate
accessories according tothe neecs ol dillerent operatiors, and
easly compiete the placement and pasitioning cf patient"s complex
surgical posdicn.
Difierent table corwersion functlon during operatlone when the
spine operation tatle isused together with the imaging table, the
docter can easlly snitch the patient from the supineposition to the
prone position through ihe l*0\' p function of the tabhe.
Optimization of surgical fheld from the pihysical level: the width
of the operating table isorly *3cm, which allows medical staff to
be closer to the patient and enhance the doctor\' sdirect field ol
vision. in the meantime, it allows the imaging equipment to pass
through the tableessily, mmaking the operation of the
imaging,equipment easier and comwenient