Cleaning tanks in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry from plaque acid and inorganic substances
Cleaning tanks, gas separators and pumps for oil and oil derivatives
Cleaning of boilers, condensers, coolers, heat exchangers, filters, mixers, heaters, evaporators, autoclaves, cyclones, columns, cooling towers, reactors, silos, transportlanes, dryers, shljakovodi in power, petrochemical, pharmacy, dye industry, wood and textile industry
Cleaning, degreasing and AKZ of concrete and metal surfaces
Cleaning and video recording of industrial pipelines and sewage pipelines
Cleaning of processing plants for water, sedimentation tanks, collectors, pools
Cleaning and washing the car tanks of petroleum and petroleum products, LPG and ammonia
Sanding and anti-corrosion protection
Care of waste oils and emulsions
Restoration of environmental incidents
Dry ice cleaning of kitchen hoods, ventilation and climate channels; applied in food, pharmaceutical, plastic, textile, Sample, chemical industry and other areas polluted by oil, grease, corrosion, paint, inks and bitumen