Dedision Paper-making Machinery Factory, which is a professional paper-making producer with a history of *5 years, is a combination of scientific research, production, marketing and service. Over the years of development, Dedision has accumulated ample experience and technological advantages in producing pulp-making machinery, paper-making machinery, paper-treating machinery and environmental paper-making machinery. In general, Dedision is in the leading place of paper-making industry in China.
‘Excellent process equipment, strict quality control, advanced technology, fluent communication and well-established after-sales service’ has built up to our advantages in this field so as to provide high-quality products and service, and gain great acclaim from our clients. At present, our products have exported to dozens of countries and areas in Southeast Asia, Africa and Middle East.
Dedision Paper-making Machinery Factory can produce Mechanical pulping equipment, chemical pulping equipment, paper scrap deinking equipment, pulping and paper-making sewage treatment equipment, paper-plastic of composite paper separating equipment, etc; Paper-making equipment of cultural paper, worship burning paper, toilet tissue paper (high-speed), corrugated paper, exquisite paper, etc.; Paper-treating equipment and boiler. We will provide whole services according to our clients’ demand, like technical design, equipment production, installation and test instruction and so on. Please contact our custom service for details.