Gaoming Jia de jin Metal Manufacture Co., Ltd. Foshan is the profession factory that produces and makes the aluminum metal and metals product. " Phoenix-Jiadei" brand aluminum material is the registration trademark of my company. Our company locates XiYuan Industry Part, Chuang jiang Gaoming District, Foshan, whit the transportation convenience, the information is fast, the supply kit facilities is ready, sale the network is perfect. Accept to anticipate, come to kind and come to diagram to process and extensive beg the cooperation with customer the demand production. Belong to the mile water jiadejin metals products the factory, locating Foshan south china sea area in the town of water is big blunt the state-run Lingnan machine factory behind. The profession produces the aluminum industry material, circle the tube and various kit is small to anticipate.
Gaoming Jia de jin Metal Manufacture Co., Ltd. Foshan product the limited company to cover the area to be close to ****0 square meters, the solid property totals *0, **0, **0 dollars, owning the international advanced equipments nowadays. Include: 2 years of the aluminum metal alloy production line produce *0, **0 tons of the aluminum stick. A material of aluminum squeezes ***2 of tonses of line, ***2 of tonses, ****2 of tonses, the year produces *0, **0 metal alloy a material of the ton aluminums. Give or get an electric shock the draws to pack, the fluorine carbon sprays to draw, the molding tool processes the production line 1 for each of etc., the year produces ***0 of molding tool.
Jia de jin Metal Manufacture Co., Ltd. Foshan products the limited company technique power strong, each kind of professional talented person is vigorous. Each section of whole company the assurance carries on producing the operation according to the standard of IS****2. The production of the product and examination all carries out according to the GB/ T********0 standard strictly. At first all of the material choose the A*0 aluminum tablet and high-quality tablet of, the magnesium tablets of use the standard of match the nations, absolute assurance quantity, as a result make clean degree of the product surface good, is positive, port together, the wall is thick and even, the degree of hardness is high and oxidizes the film layer thickness standard, seal the bore superior quality, the high quality standard.
" Build the high-quality aluminum material product, create the virtuous and international famous brand of the Phoenix-Jiade" is a virtuous gold of our person firmness conviction. Providing toward the customer the quality excellent product and the comity of the genuine feelings are the commitment of Jiadejin.