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Quasar Light Co., Ltd.

5/F, Block 7, Hongfa Jiateli Industrial Park, Shiyan Town, Bao'an District,,Shenzhen,China,China China

主页 公司名称 灯光与照明 户外照明 其他户外照明 Quasar Light Co., Ltd.

Quasar Light Co., Ltd. is an established high-tech firm specialized in the research, development, engineering, marketing of LED based lighting solutions. We have professional engineers always staying at the forefront of LED technology. We're especially well-placed in the field of Power LED thermal management and related lighting solutions. Our product range is as follows: 1. High Power LED Light Bulbs (3x1W, 7x1W, 5W, *0W, etc. ) 2. High Power LED Recessed Downlight (*8W, **0LM+) 3. High Power LED Under-cabinet Light 4. High Power LED Wall Washer 5. LED Light Strips for Cabinet Lighting and Decorative Lighting 6. T5 LED Tube for Cabinet Lighting 7. T8/T*0 LED Tube for Commercial/Office Lighting 8. LED Module Backlight for Channel Letters & Signages Quasar ***9 International Fair Calendar: 1. from *********8 to *********0 Fair: Middle East Electricity Booth: ZB*0 Venue: Dubai 2. from *********3 to *********5 Fair: Eco build Booth: ***0 Venue: London 3. from *********2 to *********5 Fair: China Sourcing Fair Booth: Pending Venue: HongKong 4. from *********5 to *********7 Fair: USA Lighting Fair Booth: Pending Venue: New York 5. from *********6 to *********0 Fair: Milan Livin Luce Fair Booth: Pending Venue: Milan 6. from *********2 to *********4 Fair: EUROLED Booth: LED*2 Venue: Coventry 7. from *********2 to *********5 Fair: China Sourcing Fair Booth: Pending Venue: HongKong 8. from *********3 to *********7 Fair: BIEL Booth: Pending Venue: Buenos Aires Clients are welcome to buy our standard products, or send us OEM requests. You will be impressed by our quality and prices, please contact us now!


Quasar Light Co., Ltd. Company Services

Led Controller Rgb Led Controlle Full Color Led Controllers Led Display Controller Led Controller Chip Led Lighting Controller Led Brightness Controller Rgb Control System Rgb Controller Led Sign Controller Led Led Dimmer Rgb Led Driver Color Led Driver Led Light Strips Theater Lighting Cabin Lighting Led Cover Light Led Shelf Light Led Strip Light Led Tube Led Tube Lamps Led Light Tube Led Tubes Led Tube Light Led Tube Lightings Led Fluorescent Lamps China Led Tubes Led Tube Products Led Lights Led Replacement Tubes Led Under Cabinet Light Led Cabinet Lights Led Under Cabinet Lighting Led Light Led Lamp Led Lamps Led Lighting Led Down Light Led Recessed Downlight Led Recessed Downlighting Led Accent Lights Led Accent Lighting Led Cabinet Lamp Led Ceiling Light Led Ceiling Spotlight Led Ceiling Bulb Led Celling Lights Closet Spotlight Led Home Lighting Power Led Lighting Led Strips Flex Led Flexible Led Lighting Led Strip Lighting Led Lighting Strips Flexible Led Strip Flexible Led Lights Flexible Led Light Strips Flexible Led Strip Lights Decorative Led Lighting Accent Lighting Led Stripe Led Cover Lights Led Smd Globe Lamp Led Light Globe Led Globe Led Lighting Globe High Power Led Light High Power Led Lamp High Power Led Lighting High Power Led Bulb High Power Led Spotlight High Power Led Light Bulb High Power Led Led Replacement Bulb Led Signs Led Backlight Led Module Led Light Module Led Bar Led Light Bar Led Strip Led Light Strip Channel Letter Led Channel Letter Channel Letter Led Blinking Led Module Led Strip Lights Led Downlight Led Downlighter Led Downlighting Power Led Lamp Power Led Light Led Light Fittings Led Lighting Fixtures Led Lighting System Led Power Supply Led Remote Controller Led Remote Dimmer Led Electronic Dimmer Led Light Switch Led Light Switches Led Product Led Light Product Led Lighting Products Led Replacement Tube Led T8 Tube T8 Led Tube Led Fluorescent Tube Led Fluorescent Lamp Led Fluorescent Light Led Tube Lighting Led Tube Lamp Led Lamp Tube Led Panel Lighting Led Ceiling Panel Led Ceiling Lamp Led Button Panel Panel Mount Led Cabinet Light Under Cabinet Light Led Cabinet Light Undercabinet Light Undercabinet Lamp Under-cabinet Light Under-cabinet Lamp Under Cabinet Lamp Led Puck Light Led Puck Lamp Led Transit Lighting Led Vehicle Lighting Led Vehicle Light Vehicle Led Light Vehicle Led Lighting Led Bus Lamp Led Bus Light Led Bus Lighting Led Bus Interior Light Led Bus Interior Lighting Led Vehicle Lamp Vehicle Led Lamp Led Linear Light Led Linear Lighting Flexible Led Light Led Flexible Strip Led Flexible Light Flexible Led Tape Led Linear Flex Led Linear Light Flex Led Interior Lighting Led Decorative Light Superflux Led Bar Led Lighting Strip Led Linear Strip Led Bulb Led Spotlights Led Globes Led Celling Spot Light Led Spot Lamp Led Spot Bulb Led Ceiling Light Panel Led Panel Led Panel Light Led Light Panel Led Lighting Panel Led Ceiling Lighting Led Office Lighting Led Commercial Lighting Led Grow Light Led Horticulture Lighting Led Hydroponics Lighting Led Grow Lamp Led Ufo Led Plant Light Led Indoor Gardening Lamp Led Plant Grow Lighting Led Hydroponic Lamp Led Plant Grow Light Ufo Led Led Grow Lights Led Cabinet Lighting T5 Led Tube Led T5 Tube Led Lighting Tube Led Pucklight 120v Cabinet Lighting Furniture Lighting Display Case Lighting Led Cove Lighting Led Cove Light Candle Light Candle Lamps Led Candle Light Energy Saving Candle Light Led Candle Bulbs Led Candle Lamp Candle Light Lamps E27 Candle Lights Led Candle Candle Lighting Warm White Candle Lights China Led Candle Lamp 4w Led Candle Lights Led Neon Flex Led Neon Lighting Led Neon Rope Flex Lights Soft Led Rgb Led Led Strip Bulbs Flex Lighting Led Flexible Strips Led Pane Lightl Led Ceiling Lights Led Grid Light Ceiling Led Panel Led Color Panel Architectural Decorative Lighting Stairway Accent Lighting Cove Light Led Strip Module 12w Led Lighting Auditorium Walkway Lighting Emergency Hallway Lighting Aircraft Cabin Mood Lighting Led Concealed Lighting Led Strip Bar Smd Led Strip Led Mini Light Bar Rigid Led Strip R30 Led Strip China Led Strip Bar Waterproof Led Strip Bar White Strip Bar Flexible Led Strip Bar Strip Lighting Bar Led Shelf Strip Bar Compact Fluorescent Lamp Replacement Tube Light Spot Lighting Energy Saving Spotlights Spot Light Bulbs Spot Lights White Spot Lights E27 Led Spot China Spotlights 10w Led Spotlights High Power Spotlights Rgb Led Spotlights Cre Led Spotlights Led Spot Lighting Replacement Tube Led Wall Washer Led Wall Washer Light Led Wallwasher Led Module Light G4 Bulbs Led G4 Bulbs Bulbs Led Light Bulbs G4 Led Lighting Super Bright Led Bulbs White G4 Led Bulbs Led Replacement Bulbs 14w Led Bulbs Xenon G4 Bulbs China G4 Led Bulbs High Power Led Bulbs Led G4 Bi-pin Bulb Led G4 Bulb 12v Led Flex Strip Light Led Floodlight Led Stage Light Dmx Lighting Outdoor Wall Washer Led Tape Lights Waterproof Led Strips Waterproof Led Ribbon Waterproof Led Tape Led Flexible Strip Light Waterproof Led Strip Led Rope Lights Smd Flexible Led Strip Led Ribbon Flexible Led Light Strip Led Waterproof Light Strip Led Tape Light Flexible Led Rope Led Rope Light Cove Light Fixture Office Cove Light Cove Lighting Closet Light Wall Lamp Jewelery Counters Lighting Led Lighting Decoration Led Flood Lamp Led Flood Light Led Flooding Led Wall Wash Light Led Decoration Lights Led Christmas Lighting Led Flex Strips Wholesale Led Strip Light China Led Strip Led Ribbon Lights Led Duralight 240v Led Strip Led Christmas Lights Led Drivers Led Light Driver Waterproof Led Power Supply Led Transformer Led Driver Led Switching Power Led Switching Power Supply Boat Lighting Under Cabinet Lighting Flexible Led Ribbons Fluorescent Rope Lights Rgb Led Strips Led Bar Light Led Bar Lighting Led T8 Led Downlights Led Can Lights Led Canister Light Led Accent Light Led Shelf Lighting Down Light Bulbs Led Down Lights Downlight Round Recessed Downlight China Led Downlight Warm White Down Light Under Cabinet Led Downlight Led Fixture Led Boat Lights Warm White Led Fixture Adjustable Accent Lighting Anodized Aluminum Downlights China Led Light Fixture Led Down Lamp Fixture Led Downlights Wholesalers Buy Led Downlights Led Lighting Residential Rgb Led Strip Waterproof Strip Lights Led Flex Strip Waterproof Ip67 Strip Light Aluminium Led Strip Light Display Case Strip Lights Freezer Case Strip Lights Warm White Strip Lights Power Supply 100w Led Power Supply China Led Power Supply 240v Led Power Supply Switching Power Supply Dc Power Supply Ac Power Supply Led Power Supplies High Voltage Power Supply Switching Power Supplies Downlight Bulbs Downlights Led Ceiling Spotlights Led Recessed Downlights Round Recessed Downlights Under Cabinet Lights China Led Downlights Led Down Lamp Warm White Down Lights Led Down Lighting


企业类型 Manufacturing
网站 www.quasarled.com
建立年份 2005
公司雇员数量 100+
主要市场 Worldwide
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工厂位置 N/A
厂房面积 N/A
生产线号 0
年总购买量 N/A
R&D人员数 N/A
质量控制 N/A
证明 CE, RoHS, ISO9001
合同制造 N/A


注册资本 N/A
所有权类型 N/A
法人代表/执行总裁 Mr. Frank Wang
出口比例 N/A
年营业额 N/A
质检人数 N/A


联系人 Mr. Frank
公司名称 Quasar Light Co., Ltd.
电话号码 ********
移动电话 ********
传真号码 ********


Mr. Frank < Quasar Light Co., Ltd. >