Snofer farm
We are the processor and exporters of Medical and Aromatic plants
and herbs.we are able to grow almost every crop, grown in the
country, on commercial scales.we are able to process and pack the
products.we are currently exporting our products to Sudan, Germany,
Canada , Croatia .Greece and Poland.We can export any
quantity you need with high accuracy , high quality , high safety ,
attractive advantages and competitive Prices. Our products are:
Condiments, Cumin , Fennel, Parsley, Caraway, Marjoram, Celery,
Basil, Sesame, Lemon grass, Dill weed, Muluchie, Rosemary, Anise,
Hibiscus, PeppermintChamomile, Calendula, Coriander, Cinnamon,
Fenugreek, Negella Sativa, We are look forward to hearing from you
and to have along term business association for the mutual
benefit.Awaiting your reply with firm interest and assuring you of
our best attention at all times. Golden line A-M Kompanie (Export
Import) Mein Herr/ Meine Lady Wir sind Golden Line A-M Kompanie
(Export-Import) Wir Virkaufen alle Arten von HeilKrautern (Aromatic
Herbs) Produkte: Anis , Basilikum , Calendula , Kummel , Kamille ,
Koriander, Petersilie , Dill , Fenchel , Henna , Hibiskus ,
Zitronengras , sussholz , Majoran , Pfeffer Minze , Krause Minze ,
Rosmarinblatter, Salbei , Bockshornklee , Sellerie , Chili,
Knblauch, Und Zwiebel. Kaum wir hoffen ihnen zu dienen . Es freut
mich sehr mich anzurufen. Aufwiedersehen
Roselle Mısır
Export manager
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