Ameijia Co.,Ltd is located in the city of Changsha, Hunan
Province.Established in ***0,it has a history of *0 years.Covering
an aera of **0,**0 square meters.Ameijia has more than **0 staffs
and about *0 technicians.It fixed assets amount to 7.5 million
dollars annul production capability reaches *0 million dollars.The
range of Ameijia products involves wires and cables and the
searching ,manufacturing,selling of the line hardware.After *0
yearss struggle and devolop,our manufacturing technology is
more scientific,testing means more p erfect ,and product
quality moer reliable.Our compang has received National industrial
products manufacturing license for wire and cable,and mang other
certification such as 3(China Compang
certification),OHS|****1,ISO****1,ISO***1.The ISO***1 we passed
pertains to all the manufactured products.For mang years we have
been honored the heavy contract keep credict enterprise by the
provincial and municipal goverment and won the honor of Provincial
Brand Name,Measurement Qualification Enterprise,Provinicial Famouse
Trademark,Trusting Enterprise,Integruty Enterprise,3A Enterprise
conferred and by Aguricutule Bank of China.Ameijia serves customers
in more than *6 provinces and districts across China and has been
chosen to manufacture cables for power and communication uniiit in
many provinces.Our products are as well received among our
customers due to its premium products and excellent afer-sale
Equipment And Capacity: Reasonable Highly Active
After 3 years of development, our equipment is perfected
gradually,productivity rises
complete outdoor fiber significantly. Now has a optic cable
production line, daily out put outdoor fiber optic cable *0km; 9
indoor fiber optic cable production line, fiber optic cable **0km.
All equipment is from China Electronics Technology Group
Corporation No.8 Research Institute, with respect to foreign
imports of cable production line, our equipment can ensure fully
meet our production, technology and quality requirements of the
conditions,***3 high ratio of performance to price.
Raw Meterial:Good q uality Stable Enduring
The equipment is mainly from Chengdu Equipment Co., Ltd,which is a
companyengaged in fiber products manufacturing and sales of the
Sino-Japanese joint venture, is one of the earliest and largest
manufacturer of optical fiber. At the same time we also procurement
optical fiber from j-fiber, FiberHome, Yofc, American Corning
company. We and the manufacturers have established good relations
of cooperation.
Quality of Product: Technical Standards Stable Quality
Good raw materials manufacturers to provide us with a good raw
material, and to ensure that the production process to maintain
good performance. This is the key of making good product. Such as
optical fiber, when the equipments into our factory, it must to the
performance of the equipment and quality testing, in every
production process, we must conduct a test. Before the products
delivery, we have to conduct a factory testing, only the product
quality standards of products, we will be allowed to leave the
factory. Our engineers have more than *0 years of cable product
experience, our products quality and research and
development,provide a strong technical supports.
The Transport Of Products:Convenient Quick Safe
The advantages of geographic location for future collaboration
brings the very big convenience, reduce a lot of uncertain factors
for the occurrence, such as, during long distance transport driver
fatigue driving, rain and snow weather, and long distance transport
may result in product package.