The unit is powered via the provided power supply. Simply connect
the supply to timer/mains and power jack.
The provided electric timer should be used with the power supply to
automate regular system usage.
The run time of the unit should be regulated to achieve an ion
level of between 0.7 and 1.0 mg per litre. This is achieved by
adjusting the run time with the timer in conjunction with regular
testing of the ion levels using the supplied testing kit (measuring
range “LR”). For details see pages covering Pool Tester. For
starters, try these:
Ionisation for above-ground pool example *0 m³ = *0min /day =>
< mg/l Ionisation for jacuzzi example **2 m³ = ***0 min
/day during first 2 days, afterwards **2 min /day => mg/l
Please note that increased ion levels will reduce electrode life
and may discolor plastic or metal pool parts but will not effect
the water quality. Minimum runtime setting of the supplied timer
switch is *0 minutes.
pH level checks are dispensable as pH levels between 6. 5 and 9.5
are safe enough to qualify as drinking water (for example in German
Drinking Water Regulations) and will not disturb the effectiveness
of the water treatment ionization).