An integrated circuit IC is a small chip made from semiconductor material, usually silicon. It contains many tiny electronic components, such as transistors, resistors, capacitors, and diodes, al...
Hvdiode this series high voltage diodes can be used in display FBT, negative-ion generator, high voltage power supply for V.T.R. camera, electrostatic spraying, electrostatic flocking, high voltage...
HV Diodes 2CL7X Series High Voltage Rectifier Diode 1. Fast recovery time 2. Low forward voltage drop, low leakage current 3. Avalanche breakdown protection 4. Excellent resistance to CRT high volt...
The H*5XX-H series is a set of three-terminal low power high voltage regulators implemented in CMOS technology. They allow input voltages as high as *0V. They are available with several fixed outp...
*8LXX is three-terminal positive regulators. One of these regulators can deliver up to **0mA of output current. The internal limiting and thermal-shutdown features of the regulator make them essent...
SSP***7 is a series of low dropout three-terminal regulators with a dropout of 1.3V at 1A load current. SSP***7 features a very low standby current 2mA compared to 5mA of competitor.Other than a fi...
The SSP***1 is a high frequency 1.8MHz step-down switching regulator with integrated internal high-side high voltage power MOSFET. It provides single 0.6A or less highly efficient output wi...
The SSP***0 is a precision, **-bit, analog-to-digital converter ADC that offers many integrated features to reduce system cost and component count in applications measuring small sensor...
SSP**1A is a single chip transceiver developed for Meter-Bus standard EN*****3 EN****7 applications. The SSP**1A interface circuit adjusts the different potentials between a slave system and th...
Can simultaneously measure five meteorological parameters: atmospheric temperature, atmospheric humidity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.Users can measure directly through PC or external