Common Glass
Frosting Powder ST***1 can frost Sodium-Calcium-Silicon glass
such as lamp glass, flat glass, bottles, arts ***** ST***1 is
based on industrial grade Hydrochloric Acid. It is a new type
environment-friendly powder that allows a better recycling .
Stable and easy to use the powder makes your glass appears softer
and white.
Frosting Operation >> Preparation of the Frosting
·Mature the Frosting solution at least *4 hours before
·The ratio of powder ST***1 to Hydrochloric Acid (≥*1) is
·Keep the powder in a plastic container, slowly pour
Hydrochloric Acid in, and keep stirring the
solution evenly. Finally, cover the container.
·Keep maturation over *4 hours before use (The longer, the
·The newly-prepared solution is too thick, and its
temperature will fall down slowly, so don"t
apply it until it comes back to be normal in temperature and
Frosting Operation >>Frosting Process
·Constantly stir the matured solution to be even
·Dip the clean glass wares into the solution for ****0
· Take out the etched glass to drop for ****0
·In the beginning, the solution is fairly thick. However
the etching time should be longer
when the solution becomes less thickafter etching for some
·The frosting time varies with the temperature and
chemical compositions.
·For dirty glass, use *5 Hydrochloric Acid to
Frosting Operation >>Wash Process &
Dry· Rinse and wash the frosted
glass wares under the running water
· Dip the glass into the ***0 diluted Hydrochloric Acid for
****0 seconds to make brasive
parparticles on the glass easy to remove.
·Rinse and wash the glass again under the running
water and dry it with air for