联系人 Mr. Madani
231 Pandan Loop, Singapore, Singapore
Soft Oil *******************************************************************************- RBD Soyabean Oil RBD Soyabean oil is derived from Soya beans (seeds of Glycine max L.). It has a naturally light color, clear and little flavor which will complement the wonderful tastes of food. Hence, it is highly favorable oil for cooking, and salad dressing. RBD Sunflower Oil RBD Sunflower oil is derived from sunflower seeds (seeds of Helianthus annuus L.) It is an excellent home cooking oil and salad oil with a naturally light color, clean taste and high smoke point. It is high in polyunsaturated fat and also contains Vitamin E, which is an essential nutrient in the daily diet. In addition, RBD Sunflower oil is also used commercially in canned tuna factories worldwide, to preserve and prolong its shelf life. RBD Corn Oil RBD Corn oil is derived from maize germ (the embryos of Zea mays L.) It has a pleasant taste, resists developing off-flavors, offers high stability and therefore is highly favorable oil for cooking, frying and salad dressing. It has low level of saturated fat and contains high polyunsaturated fat, which is essential in our daily diet. RBD Canola Oil RBD Canola oil is produced from seeds of Brassica napus L., Brassica campestris L. species. It is a light and clear oil which is excellent for cooking, baking and salad dressing. It has low saturated fat content and contains high level of monounsaturated fat. It also contains Vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acid and Omega 6 fatty acid.