1. We buy Banks Guarantee (including the deadline
2. Provide loans secured by Banks Guarantee, Promissory Notes,
Bonds of banks & corporations
3. Buy bills, bonds of banks & corporations
4. Buy\sell gold: raw & standard bank ingots - FCO\LOI we
will direct for demand
5. Offer fresh cut MTN's, BG's SS from TOP***0 World's
6. Offer BG's for leasing from TOP***0 World's banks
7. Buy\sell currencies: $US, EUR, RUR, CNY (RMB) & etc.
8. Buy currency BG's & promissory notes from any banks of
the Russian
Federation & Commonwealth of Independent States
9. Provide loans secured by precious stones, precious metals,
SKR - with an assessment
*0. Buy precious stones, precious metals, SKR - with an
*1. We avalize Yours promissory notes through TOP***0 World's