School Software Having(Admission till TC features), in different
module like(Admission,fees,Library,Attendance,Time table,
salary,result, CCE, etc.) with Online, SMS Facility.
1. Admission Module/Scholars Module:
a. Form Selling
b. Form Received
c. New Admission Entry
d. Re-registration
2. Fee Management Module
a. Daily Fee Entry
b. Fee Receipt Printing
c. Daily Fee collection report - Class/Semester/Year
d. Headwise fee collection Report(Like tution fee, academic
fee, etc.)
e. Weekly fee collection
f. Monthly Fee collection
g. Yearly Fee collection
h. Outstanding Fee Reports(Fee Due report)
3. Employee/Payroll Management Module
a. Daily/Monthly Attendance
b. CL/EL/other Leave Record
c. Payroll Sheet
d. PF Summary
e. TDS Summary
f. PT Summary
g. Bank Summary
h. Pay Slip Printing
4. Result Processing Module
a. Monthly Test
b. Quarterly
c. Six Monthly
d. Annual Exam
e. Mark sheet Printing
5. Other
a. Issue TC/SLC
b. Login Audit Report
6. Library
a. Issue/Deposit/Reissue on a single window
b. Student’s Photo, books scanned cover
c. Books Issued Frequency Report(Circulation)
d. Graphical report of searched books(physical position in
e. Search by topic, book name, author, publisher,
f. Bar code, thumb reader integration
g. Reference register
h. Accession Register
i. Library card register
j. DDC
7. Academic Process
a. Course/Lesson plan
b. Student’s attendance
c. Course completion/remaining report
8. Hostel Management/Bus Management
a. Hostel Fees/Bus Fee collection
b. Occupancy status
c. Bus Route
- Separate login for every module, full audit report for
each user like who have made particular receipt, and who modified.
And all other transaction user wise.
- Integration with biomatrix
- Client/Server technology
- Online modules also available(web portal)