Ounce for ounce, carob, which is also known as
locust bean gum, has more fiber and calcium but fewer calories
than cocoa. Its carbohydrates include the sugars sucrose,
D-mannose, and D-galactose. (D-galactose is a simple sugar that
links up with other sugars to form the complex indigestible sugars
raffinose and stachyose.) Carob also contains gums and pectins, the
indigestible food fibers commonly found in seeds. As a wheat
substitute in bakingProtection against certain
cancersAs a
laxativeTo strengthen
bones and reduce age-related loss of bone
densityLower cholesterol
levelsAs a source of
calciumDilation of blood
effectsReduced risk of
hypertension (high blood pressure).Reduced levels of
and/or preventing iron deficiencyReduce symptoms of PMSLower risk of strokeAs a stimulant and mood
against heart diseaseAs a
diet aidUrinary
healingA lower risk of
some kinds of cancerPotassium replacementAs a diureticPotassium benefitsAnticancer activityTo relieve or prevent
constipationUse as
contrast mediumReduced
risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, decline of brain function,
and other diseases of aging.To soothe irritated skinTo reduce the levels of serum
cholesterolLower risk of
heart attackProtein
supplementationAs a
source of carbohydrates for people with diabetesLower risk of dental
actionRelief from stuffed
nose caused by cold or seasonal (mold, pollen)
effectLower risk of
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some forms of
cancerAdsorbent and
against vitamin A-deficiency blindnessAntiscorbuticProtection against some
cancersAs a chocolate
substituteLower risk of
some birth defectsProtection against
the appetitebranded*3
fish oilsRelieving the
congestion of a coldProtective effects of branded*3 fatty
acidsProtection against
cardiovascular disease