JiaTrader is a Expert Advisor for Online Forex
Trading with MT4. We are a group of people who have given their
maximum in creating JiaTrader.
A JiaTrader can trade minimum of 3 currency pairs,
of client choice. Once a copy of JiaTrader is been
created, one cannot change the currency pair. Thus while ordering
it is client responsibility to ensure the currency of their
It has been taken more care to deal with all kinds of Market
Behavior such as Long Term Trade, Short Term Trade etc.
The Buy/Sell trade is handled so accurately, analyzing the
Market Conditions and Behavior, so that only profits are made.
The trade is entered along with a Stop Loss only, which trails
Even the Profit booking is also handled very sensitively, so
that even in adverse conditions the profit is booked at decent
More over, it requires no monitoring. You can just ON the
JiaTrader and do your work, and JiaTrader
will do its work of its own.
Make sure that your system runs *4*7 or it is advised to hire a VPS
at a decent cost ($*0 - $*5 per month).
Placing a Expert Advisor on a VPS or on any computer may risk the
theft of the Expert Advisor. But with JiaTrader you
don’t have to worry about the theft, because we creates a
JiaTrader for an individual client, so that a
particular JiaTrader will work with a specific MT4
account only. If someone has stolen your JiaTrader, it
will not work.